Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bis Übermorgen

December 23, 2013

"What up Fam!
I'm going to keep this one short with it being Christmas week and we get to talk more in a couple days.  Some of the highlights of this week...first one being - my courage!  My mut just changed this week, I wasn't scared at all to talk to everyone!!!  I went on a Tausch with Elder Wasden in Heilbronn this week.  I talked a lot on that Tausch, I just figured why hold back?  It went well and we got a long.  I feel like the mission has changed me so much already!  
We had a sweet surprise Christmas party with this family from Weihingenz.  They are a really cool family - the mom is a new member but they go to the Stuttgard ward.  
This week was good, I don't know what happened but I wasn't shy at ALL with the language and I have talked to the coolest people on the buses and trains.  It's my favorite thing, I just go sit by people and start talking to them, ya know share some crazy stories, laugh, try telling jokes...they usually I get an opportunity of them asking why I'm learning German or why I'm over here and I get to tell them about missionary work and our purpose.  It's really cool and I love it!  I love Elder Peterson and I will miss him as a companion when we split because we have become best friends!  We will talk more about my investigators and a lot of other things in a couple days!  FROHE WEIHNACHTEN!!! (Merry Christmas)

Liebe Große
Elder Jensen

P.S. Today Elder Peterson and I are going to put on our santa hats and deliver all the members in our Zweig a little box of chocolates, I'm excited!  We delivered one earlier this week when we had a member lesson and they LOVED it!  It was really cool!"

Elder Peterson and Gabe's "Christmas card" picture
 Gabe's side of the room decorated with Christmas lights :)
 All the Christmas loot

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