Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nach Stuttgart

December 16, 2013

"Hallo family,
I'm really sorry but I am going to have to make this email short and sweet.  Elder Peterson and I are headed to Stuttgart today for our P-day to see their Weihnachtsmark (christmas market) and such.  So some quick info on this last week…not a whole lot happened, in fact it was a rather slow and uneventful week.  We were excited to start a new week.
Monday we ran into Sister "E" and she said she is not ready to be baptized anytime soon sadly, but we are still working with her and meeting with her - just taking it slower.  She needs more time.
On Wednesday was our Christmas party as a zone!  That was a lot of fun and that is when I received my Christmas package!  President and Sister Miles were there too so that was cool.  We played bells, did a white elephant exchange among us missionaries, had a pot luck lunch, had ROOT BEER, watched a little of the Christmas devotional, and then Sister Miles played us a song on the flute.  It was fun and really helped it feel like it's Christmas!  Missionary work is 24/7 so it's been hard to realize it's the holiday season.
This week we met with this guy who speaks English, it's weird teaching in English.  He really loves Jesus and knows the bible.  Anyways his computer was out and he was on youtube so I told him I know these videos that are really good if he wanted to look them up - our church bible videos (they are my favorite thing here on the mission - haha).  He pulled some up and started asking us some questions about the Book of Mormon while they were playing so that was cool.
Christmas is different here…the Christmas markets are great but other than that I don't know how much else they celebrate Christmas. Thanks for your emails, I LOVE them all.  Let everyone know I love them and wish them a happy holiday.
Liebe Große,
Elder Jensen"

A couple pictures from their zone Christmas party!

 Gabe and his companion Elder Peterson (sporting their Christmas ties)
All of the Stuttgart Zone at the Christmas Conference

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