Thursday, June 18, 2015

Comin' around the corner

June 8, 2015

"Hello Family!

What a relief that planning my schooling is out of the way and I don't need to make any thoughts about it or let it distract me from now on until the 'afterlife' (after my mission)!  That is a relief indeed.
This last week went well.
I tausched up in Offenburg and Lahr with Elder Monson.  Elder Monson was in my first distrikt with me as DL, he was a golden and him and Elder Griffey (my golden) were good friends.  He is now a distrikt leader so we got to tausch together.  We visited their distrikt meeting and he did a good job, put lots of thought into it.  His distrikt has the Hatches from Cedar and the Sister training leaders - Sister Mehr and Sister Earnshaw.  Sister Mehr was also in my distrikt and came in the same time Elder Griffey did.
Lahr, Offenburg and Freiburg are all pretty, right in the middle of Schwarzwald.  My allergies sadly went crazy but I got them under control now with some German stuff.  It makes me kind of tired though..
We met a cool young family this last week, Daniel and Irrena and their two daughters.  Long story short, we met Irrena two weeks ago on the street, she comes from Romania.  We ended up talking for awhile and then she ended up giving us her number, we finally got an appointment last week.  Her husband was born here in Germany.  He is cool and is on the search.  He has met with JW's and Baptists beforehand but had the feeling that there was more.  He believes that there is only one TRUE church out there and is on the search for this church.  He has already read a lot of anti church things on line I believe because he didn't know what to expect when we showed up and asked us the original questions (about no smoking, no drinking, 5 wives...ect...)  We didn't really teach him much this time just let him know that he can find the truth and will if he continues searching.  We let him know we'd love to share our messages that could help him find this truth.  So this next Wednesday we will teach the Restoration at their home.  Pray that all goes well.  He needs this, their young family does.   I think once they see how family centered and friendly the church  and gospel are, their interest will spark.  Just enough to continue hearing us, then put in to the test and get the answer they are looking for!
We were in the Schweiz on Tuesday.  I really enjoy Präs. Blaser, our Stake President, he's a great man with a powerful testimony.  This week we have MLC in München, us ZL's are getting iPads, I'm trying to get excited for them.   Not this coming saturday but the next is transfer calls, where I'll find out if I will die here IN Singen with Elder Caldwell or go somewhere else.  Anything could happen.
This last fast Sunday was also great!  Eduard came to church, talked with him and he's been busy.  There were some great testimonies!  I also bore mine.  We went to a members and had a typical lunch - wurst and german potato salad.  I also started my 40 day purification fast.  It's where I start it with a fast and make a list of 10 or so things that I want to stop or control, to become more purified in the work. I've wanted to do this my whole mission but for some reason have never got around to it, but I thought that the stress of schooling is over for now it would be a perfect time to get rid of all distractions.  To become completely purified and sanctified in the work.  You can try looking it up, it's by Elder Maxwell I believe.  I love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Jensen"

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Working with Wet Clay

May 25, 2015

"Hello Family,

What a week...I'll keep this email fairly short, but it was a stressful week here in Singen to say the least.  We have had the hardest time being able to contact people and have contact with people, then add fallen out appointments all over the place - and promised investigators not looking so promising.  But that's how the mission is, changes everyday.
Sadly we have had no contact with Eduard this last week.  
Our African family has also been really busy, we didn't meet with them until Sunday evening and Benji came a long.  It went well with them, they weren't in Church on Sunday though.  I sure love them, everyone notices they are a special family.
Other than that we met with Frau Hiller.  We've met with her a couple times.  She is really nice, but she worries too much!  She came to church though and seemed to enjoy it!  We will be meeting with her again on Tuesday.
We also met with all our Neubekehrts this last week.  I don't think I've ever told you guys about Frederich, he got baptized about a year ago and is so funny.  I'll have to tell you more about him later.  We also met with Stanley and he fed us some African food - good old intestine.  I must say I have gotten really good at sneaking food into my bag and disposing it after ;)
The highlight of the week was last night.  We met with Erwin, who we've been meeting with lately.  He's been coming every week to church as well!  He's known about the church for a couple years now, we know he knows the church is true!  Anyways we had him and Br. Luu there and we had a great lesson about the Book of Mormon.  Then Erwin brought his guitar and Br. Luu brought his indian wood flute pipes, and they played "this little light of mine" and some other songs while Benji and us all sang a long.  Br. Luu has a real talent, like really gifted.  I didn't know about it until this week.  He loves music and can just listen to a song once and then play it on the piano or his flute, it's crazy!!!
I have gained a lot of respect for President Frank (our Branch President), I have learned a lot from him by his actions and love for the people.  Lots of respect.
Other than that and the stressful week, it was a learning week.  Had some really really cool personal spiritual experiences this last week. Love you all

Love Elder Jensen"

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hola la Familie

May 18, 2015

"Hey Family,

So on the streets I try to speak only lasts 3 sentences then I don't know what to say, but everyone who speaks Spanish that we talk to is really nice.  There is not a lot of Spanish speakers here, I can pretty much count them all with my two hands.
This week was great!  To tell you the truth, I can't really remember all that happened, the days literally just blur all together now on the mission.  Life on the mission for me is completely normal - I mean I can't imagine anything else.  I wake up at 6:20 a.m., get a good work out in, eat breakfast and get ready around 7, and then start studying the scriptures or listen to old general conference talks/devotionals.  At 8 o'clock personal study begins, 9 o'clock companionship study - read handbook - practice a few teaching situations - plan appointments and commitments, 10 o'clock is 30 minutes of language study, 10:30 take bus into the inner city and spend 2 hours talking to everyone!!! After that we eat lunch and then from 2:00 to 8 or 9 p.m. meet with people, teach people, go by visiting people, find people...then plan for the next day.  10:30 at night is companion prayer and personal prayer --fall asleep and wake up the next day and repeat!  Throw in some random adventures and surprises through out the day and you have a mission!
This last week I got to tausch with Elder Dewey here in Singen!  We had a great tausch and were able to meet and teach 4 people in our time together!  Elder Dewey is still a great friend of mine, it was a lot of fun!  We have both grown a lot on the mission but we are still the same us.
Transfer calls are this week, we print them out so we don't get the calls - we make the phone calls.  It's a lot better!  I hated waiting for the calls - so much agony!  I will be staying another transfer here in Singen, it's a 5 week transfer.  After the 5 weeks are up, my group goes's so weird and can't even picture it.
Eduard has got a second job now, saving up money for a trip he wants to take.  He is a hard worker and I sure like him a lot.  He won't be baptized this Saturday.  We were only able to meet once this last week because of his new work schedule.  He's doubting himself a little now.  The members are doing a good job at befriending him.
This last Sunday our 'family' came to church.  I was on translating duty with the microphone so I couldn't sit next to them.  I'm sure it's different than what they are used too, but I hope they enjoyed it.  We will see them on Wednesday.  I am praying and hoping they see the truth and feel the truth in our message!  On Sunday we had a choir from Switzerland visit our Branch.  It was really good!  We had 3 investigators there as well.
Tonight we are going running with someone we found the other week, then eating all you can eat ribs with the young single adults and Eduard.  Right now we are going to catch a bus to go visit Stein am Rhein, only driven through it a couple of times but it looks beautiful! Love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Jensen"

 More beautiful scenery
with Sister Smiley
Elder Jensen, Elder Caldwell, "Oma," Sister Smith and Sister Priest

Mother's Day - The Final Call Home!

May 10, 2015

** Gabe's 4th and FINAL phone call/skype Home!  The countdown is on!!! **