Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Church is TRUE!

June 2, 2014

"Hey fam,
So we had a big musical fireside this past weekend (the Sisters were over it).  It was good and fun, I was in charge of lights so I didn't sing all the songs, and I greeted everyone at the door.  On Saturday, we were in Munich, where the fireside was from 8 in the morning to about 8 at night.  So during that time when we weren't practicing I went out with Elder Morrey, this Elder in my distrikt, and walked the neighborhoods and found people and invited them to come.  It was fun, I love talking to people and was able to find someone really cool, right outside the church just by simply doing a small simple act.  We ended up talking to her for a while, no contact information but we got her name, gave her our number and told her when our church started.  She was cool.  After the musical fireside Elder Sponseller and I made the Sisters a card and had everyone sign it and gave it to them with some flowers.
Yesterday we visited this old lady who is a less active.  We blessed and gave her the sacrament and then gave a spiritual thought  and sat and visited with her.  She showed us pictures of her baptism and still remembers the Elders to this day.  It's so neat, someday I'll find someone ready for baptism.  It meant the WORLD to her, and she started crying and said a prayer of gratitude.  Before we left, I gave her a priesthood blessing.
We are going to go bowling today, haha, I talked Elder Sponseller into going.  It's been awhile.  Next week we are going to the famous castle near Munich, the one disney bases theirs off of ya know?!  I'll take some pictures, but it's a 2 hour train ride there and then back so I probably won't be able to email next week.  Tonight we are going to play catch (football) with an American less active which will be fun, I'm excited!  Oh yeah last Monday we visited the Fugeri, it's this old community here in Augsburg.  It was interesting, there I found out that Augsburg was very pro Hitler back in the 40's.
Anyways, I love you all and you all really are the best!  I'm so grateful for my family and I know we can be together forever.  We have to keep and live our covenants.  Love you all.

Elder Jensen"

With Elder Morey

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