Tuesday, June 17, 2014


June 2014

*Here are some more pictures from the Castle one P-Day and a few other misc. ones!!  We sure love seeing pictures of this happy Elder!

Monday, June 16, 2014

P-day Adventures

June 9, 2014

*Some tourists sent these pictures to our family of Gabe and Elder Sponseller!  They were going to see the Neuschwanstein Castle for P-day (Walt Disney castle)


Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Church is TRUE!

June 2, 2014

"Hey fam,
So we had a big musical fireside this past weekend (the Sisters were over it).  It was good and fun, I was in charge of lights so I didn't sing all the songs, and I greeted everyone at the door.  On Saturday, we were in Munich, where the fireside was from 8 in the morning to about 8 at night.  So during that time when we weren't practicing I went out with Elder Morrey, this Elder in my distrikt, and walked the neighborhoods and found people and invited them to come.  It was fun, I love talking to people and was able to find someone really cool, right outside the church just by simply doing a small simple act.  We ended up talking to her for a while, no contact information but we got her name, gave her our number and told her when our church started.  She was cool.  After the musical fireside Elder Sponseller and I made the Sisters a card and had everyone sign it and gave it to them with some flowers.
Yesterday we visited this old lady who is a less active.  We blessed and gave her the sacrament and then gave a spiritual thought  and sat and visited with her.  She showed us pictures of her baptism and still remembers the Elders to this day.  It's so neat, someday I'll find someone ready for baptism.  It meant the WORLD to her, and she started crying and said a prayer of gratitude.  Before we left, I gave her a priesthood blessing.
We are going to go bowling today, haha, I talked Elder Sponseller into going.  It's been awhile.  Next week we are going to the famous castle near Munich, the one disney bases theirs off of ya know?!  I'll take some pictures, but it's a 2 hour train ride there and then back so I probably won't be able to email next week.  Tonight we are going to play catch (football) with an American less active which will be fun, I'm excited!  Oh yeah last Monday we visited the Fugeri, it's this old community here in Augsburg.  It was interesting, there I found out that Augsburg was very pro Hitler back in the 40's.
Anyways, I love you all and you all really are the best!  I'm so grateful for my family and I know we can be together forever.  We have to keep and live our covenants.  Love you all.

Elder Jensen"

With Elder Morey

Time goes Fast!

May 26, 2014

Gabe keeps telling us to remind him of more details and stories come 2015, so we sure hope he remembers everything he wants to tell us and we want to hear!  I guess some weeks all we get is "short and sweet" emails but glad he is happy and well!

"What up Fam,
Pretty fast week, as always.  It was a nice surprise meeting and going out to eat with Elder Root and his family this last week!  So weird seeing him not as a missionary.  They were awesome and so nice and bought me and my companion lunch.
Tuesday - we had an eating appointment with a family, she is from London so we spoke English and had tacos!
Wednesday - I got to shoot some hoops at the church for sportabend.  Oh how I love basketball!
Then to Friday - we baked cookies and delivered them to some members who live here in Augsburg and some less actives.  First time baking on the mission, ha.
Saturday - we met with a brother who lives in Höchstadt who is already a member, but less active.  We read in the Book of Mormon to help him with one of his problems, and it went so well!  He loved it, then later we started talking about the temples and everything and he wants to visit the temple so bad.  We told him everything he needs to do to get there...and he came to church on Sunday and met with Bishoff of what exactly he has to do.  Really cool!  After that we met with a couple and had a really good lesson with them as well.  We will try and set a baptismal date with them next week!
Sunday - we had two eating appointments back to back (first time on my mission).  Let's just say I can't remember the last time I was that full.  Oh gosh!  One was with a new family - Frühlich, they are so funny and awesome.
It was a good week, time goes fast.  Hope all is well at home.  Don't worry we can share plenty of stories come 2015!  I love reading your emails, so thanks :)  Love ya all.

Elder Jensen"

Friday, June 13, 2014

Enjoy the Journey

May 19, 2014

"Hey Fam,
Augsburg is going good, I love the members.  We had a great tausch this week, it was a bike area, so we got to ride bikes through the German country - up some hills, down some hills and over some rivers, it was sure pretty.  Hard though, about 40 minutes one way to our "potential investigator" who didn't have time for us.  So it was an immediate 40 minute bike ride back.  Taught some of our 'brothers' some great lessons this week.  We teach them in English and the spirit is really strong and it's so natural!  We also had two sweet eating appointments this last week.  One with the Dörings, the wife served her mission in St. George, mainly Enterprise and she loved it!  My mind is a little distracted right now, but I am doing good.  I just want to let you know that I love this GOSPEL so much!  It means so much to me, especially our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I have never felt so close to him and our Father in heaven as these last 10 months.

(Due to some tragic events back home that Gabe was informed of this week, his mind is a little scattered and saddened...but he went on to say this at the end of his email).

I feel so protected here on the Mission and I feel so watched over, like never before.  I think for once in my life the bigger picture comes easier to me than ever before.  This life truly is fragile, and it will pass before us as if a dream (Jacob 7:26).  But how great our joy will be when we all are together in the presence of our Lord.  I can't wait for that day, but in the meantime, we MUST live our life with joy.  And nothing will bring you greater joy as this gospel, it's called the Great Plan of Happiness for a reason!  I hope you all know that I love you, and that I pray for you all.  Know that our Lord really does know us, he knows what we are dealing with, so I plead to you all to take it up with him.  Uchtdorf says it best when he says - when we realize where we came from and where we are going, happiness will come easier. Enjoy the journey. 
Love you all,
Elder Jensen"