Thursday, September 5, 2013

Let It Begin!!!

September 3, 2013

Gabe has finished his 6 weeks in the MTC!!!  He is officially entering the "mission field" and he is ready to work!  Here is his last email from the MTC:

"Guten Morgen Familie, it's actually afternoon here but I imagine you will be reading this in the morning.  So not a lot of time today but I will be able to write more next week.  I leave for Munich at 4 in the morning tomorrow.  We wake up at 3:45 a.m., and then drive to the airport and our plane takes off around 6:45 a.m.  Crazy and exciting!!  Being immersed in English here in the MTC has made it difficult to really tell if my German is coming along, but I know the way is prepared and I'll do just fine learning the language in the field.  I've been praying for a great trainer so we will see.  I've loved my companion here, he has taught me so much and I'm going to miss this little brown Belgian.  Last night when we were all in bed he said in his french/spanish accent, "Elder Jensen" the Jensen is pronounced like a 'jya,' and I said "Yes Elder Moreno," he said "I Love You." He just finished being read by Elder Requillart what I wrote in his journal.  He has taught me so much about being positive through everything and how the littlest of things make the biggest difference.  This last Sunday I had horrible allergies, to the point I got several bloody noses.  He followed me in the bathroom without complaining cause we were going to be late for the fireside and taught me tricks to getting rid of a bloody nose that his dad had taught him.  His dad is a boxer.  He has remained positive and happy and he is a big prankster.  I couldn't be luckier.  Also we said goodbye to Bruder Jentzsch on Saturday and that was tough for all of us, I will miss him.  It was one of my toughest goodbyes.  I love you all and just know that I am loving this mission and I am learning so much!  I KNOW that the way is prepared, and I KNOW that we walk that way by faith not sight.  Gosh, I love our Savior so much and it is incomprehensible of how much love he has for us.  Just please continue to read and have a thirst for knowledge for the scriptures.  Feast upon the words and I PROMISE you that you will find life easier and will be much happier.  I love you all, I might be able to call at the airport, no promises though.  Ich liebe euch.

Love, Elder Jensen"

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