Thursday, September 5, 2013

Last Week in the MTC!

August 28, 2013

"Guten Tag!

Familie!  Another P-day, the last P-day here in the MTC.  I'll tell you some fun facts about the MTC...still great friends with Steve-o, the chef.  He made me and my district huge chocolate cupcakes that you only get if it's your birthday!  It has chocolate through out it as well, I wouldn't have liked it but it was so moist and amazing.  He made homemade rice pudding yesterday and ahh he's making me fat but it's so-o-o-o good!  He is a really nice guy too, sometimes he just comes and sits next to us while we are eating and we just talk, or he comes into our class during "free time" and we talk.   
We went to the temple, and we did it in German.  I understood quite a bit but at the same time I didn't understand quite a bit.  I get the vocab, it's just german has so many rules and little words that can change the meaning of the whole sentence or the structure of the whole sentence.  I continue to have patience and pray for help, I'm ready to learn it like a "baby" learns the language out in the field, listening and repeating.  So, I really miss music in here, weird thing to miss, but in the kitchen if the one chef is cooking he blasts Michael Buble in the back.  Sometimes I just take a little longer to feel up my drink and listen for a minute.  I have become really good friends with Elder Dewey and Elder Oviatt, we have story time every night.  The other night I told them the story of my life going through "American" high school (haha).  A little more info about Bruder Jentzsh (a teacher at the MTC), he served his mission in Greece and told us some stories and shared some pictures from his mission.  It was a beautiful mission.  He is 22, he plays basketball, and he is only here for the 6 weeks that we are here.  I can't think right now, they have red numbers that count down the minutes in the top right of the computer so I am constantly looking up at that.  Entschuldigung!
The spirit continues to be so strong here in the MTC, I increase my knowledge and understanding everyday.  I wrote a letter explaining more about that and I'll send it out today.  I'm sorry there is not enough time to get all my thoughts across, this week was just a busy week in the MTC of learning the language and studying the gospel.  I continue to love it though and I hope you guys are getting my letters.  Well I'm going to go get my haircut now, bis spater until next week from Germany!"

Bruder Jentzsch
Gabe & Steve-O (the chef)
The walk to the temple
Gabe's District at the Temple
Gabe, Elder Oviatt and Elder Dewey walking back from the temple
Gabe's closet
Enjoying "meal time"
MTC Entrance

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