Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Servus Familie

March 17, 2014

"Wow, the weeks go by fast!  What a great week it was.  Last P-day was crazy but cool - we have developed a strong relationship with Setners, I love them.  We had a great time hiking with them last week!  
Tuesday we had zone training.  Zone training is once a month, just our zone or our stake (so for us = the Stuttgart stake).  Then every three months we have Zone Konferenz and that's when we see President Miles.  Sadly it's so hard for them to see us more because we are so spread out!  Zone training was good, I shared the "miracle story" of our branch (about the new members moving in) and how our prayers are being answered.  That night we had a tausch, I stayed in Pforzheim with Elder Smith - he is 2 transfers younger than me.  Well we had a dinner appointment at Sister "E's" later that night that we had kind of forgot about.  Her husband mentioned he would cook for us a couple weeks ago so he called us at about 20 o'clock (8:00pm) asking where we were.  Elder Smith and I SPRINTED over there and it's not that close, at least a mile away, ha.  It was good food though and they were so nice.
Wednesday morning, we were still on tausch, and Br. Wengert shows up at our apartment door at 7:15 in the morning.  He was kind of laughing and just sat on our couch waiting for us.  We went and checked on someone and then he took us to get breakfast at a backeri, that was really nice.  That evening after the tausch was over and Elder Herzog was back we met with Sister "E" and then went and ate at the Johnsons (new members from Utah).  They are SO cool!  I love them so much.  They have been married for almost 2 years, it was so much fun talking with them.
On Thursday we did lots of vorbeis (went by people) and we met with "G" in the park.  We taught and committed him to the Word of Wisdom. He really seems to enjoy meeting with us.  We get ice cream with him a lot of the times in the evening and then teach him a little lesson.  All the ice cream stores by the river opened up for the season.
Friday was an adventure.  A bit random and kind of crazy.  Long story short we met a lady on the bus who convinced us to go with her to this really good restaurant that is way cheap.  Ended up being the soup kitchen.  We ate dinner there and met some new people - pretty funny and random moment you could say.
Then comes Saturday, it was just like any other day - but it couldn't have been better.  For my birthday, Elder Herzog baked that halloween cake that I got in my halloween package!  That afternoon, Sister "E" and her man wanted to have us over for a birthday lunch.  We had authentic Indian food.  Interesting = Yes, Good = Eatable.  Sister "E" dished me up my second serving and oh gosh it was literally double the size of my first serving.  But I finished it all.  It was so nice of them to do that for me on my birthday.  She gave me a little birthday gift, a scarf and a black tie.  She is really nice!  Afterwards we had a good lesson with her, even her husband enjoyed it.  She finally accepted my offer of finding a ride for her to church because her knees are bad.  Later that night we had ice cream and a lesson with "G" again.  All in all I couldn't have asked for a better birthday!
Sunday was awesome.  We had ward council early, and we picked up "G" on our way to church.  Ward council went really well.  It's just so cool to see how much the branch has come around.  Church went great!  I joint taught Sister "E" with another member and Elder Herzog joint taught "G" with another member.  We had 37 people in our branch!  After church we had gemeinde essen, it was nice to just sit and eat and visit with everyone.  I sat next to the Setners and we had a good conversation and joked around a bit.  Then I mentioned how transfers were 2 days before general konferenz and who knows what will happen.  They said I have to stay at least one more transfer!  It sure is a lot different then my first two transfers here - when they didn't even know my name and I was just that young "golden" who didn't know German, haha.  Gosh I love them all so much, I've grown such a bond and care for this branch!  The Pforzheim branch owns a piece of my heart.  It's not easy being a member here in Europe - Germany to say the least.  I respect all of them so much.  It will sure be interesting to see what happens this next transfer, I've been in this area for quite a while now, but it's my 2nd home.  Love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Jensen 

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