Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Start...a little Weird

February 24, 2014

"Hi Familie,
First off, it's been weird without Elder Peterson, we were together for 6 months and practically knew everything about each other.  I love that man and he has been missed.  
This last week we spent a lot of time saying goodbyes for Elder Peterson and it was really sad.  On Thursday we went to Munich together by train to drop Elder Peterson off at the bahnoff and then i picked up Elder Herzog who was coming from Austria and we headed back alone to Stuttgart and then to Pforzheim.  It was a total of about 3 hours both ways.  
Then on Saturday and Sunday we had Pfahl Konferenz in Stuttgart.  I love stake konferenz, it is always good.  Saturday night us missionaries sang with the youth "As Sisters in Zion and Sons of Helaman" melody in German.  That was pretty cool.  Also that night they had neu bekehrts or new members bare their testimonies or share their conversion stories.  That was REALLY COOL.  I love hearing that stuff.  On Sunday we were going to go with "G" by the train but when we showed up he was sick.  I was bummed about that.  The konferenz was really cool, it was a broadcast and Elder Bednar was one of the speakers and he spoke in German!  He read most of the whole thing but it was still cool.  We met the two new members in our Zweig on Sunday - the "Johnsons," the young married couple from Utah.  They are awesome and so nice, I have a feeling we will be with them a lot this next transfer.  It was crazy to hear so many people in our little zweig speak English to them.
I'm excited to see what all unfolds this next transfer, it could by my last one here in Pforzheim.  Please continue to pray for our investigator "G," he's a cool guy and loves us and I'm pretty sure he loves everything about the church, but he needs to develop his faith in Christ.  It's important to remember that everything is done on the Lords time.  Hope all is well at home, please continue to pray for the Pforzheim zweig and everyone here.  Love you all and thanks for all you do for me.  Gosh I was so lucky growing up!

Elder Jensen"

 View of Pforzheim
Ran into Elder Root at the train station
Elder Herzog

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