Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ich bin immer noch am Leben! Keine Sorge

June 23, 2014

Translation: I'm still alive!  Do not worry :)


Hey fam, I'm still alive.  Deutschland is sure beautiful!!!!  The castle was beautiful, then the mountains were breath-taking, with the blue blue glacier lakes and rivers going through the valleys of green hills and mountains covered in trees!  It is so hard to explain and pictures do not do it justice.
This 4th of July party we are planning is going to be HAMMER!!!  We are going all out, and us missionaries are planning just about everything for our gemeinde (we are trying to show them how much fun it is and hope they will start doing it themselves).  For the fourth we will have water activities, sports, grilling and lots of other food, horses, floating lanterns, and sparklers.  I'm so excited!  We met with a less active to get the horses.  He is a real cowboy from Wyoming and has lived here for a while because he married a German.  He is really cool.  He cooked us some spicy mexican food - how I miss that, and we just talked for hours.  He still has an awesome testimony and was just way cool!
So Fußball is  HUGE down here.  The fans go crazy, that is all the people talk about, members included.  I have learned a lot about it since being here.  We get to watch 2 games in the World Cup, if they are missionary work related.  I'm not lying that during the games it is IMPOSSIBLE to find anyone to talk too.  We saw a 70 year old grandma the other day with German face paint and a flag, haha.  So needless to say, we are going to find a missionary opportunity to watch the game this Thursday = Deutschland v. America.  I'm kind of cheering for both teams!  I want Deutschland to win it because I'm here and it's so exciting, but at the same time Red, White and Blue!
Cool 'miracle' story...this last week we had a distrikt leader meeting in München, and I being an idiot lost my wallet somehow.  Well I didn't realize it until we were in innercity Munich and I check my back pocket and find nothing!  I instantly panicked because I had a lot of valuable stuff.  Like I said we were in the innercity and we were actually watching the Utah Chamber Choir in an old huge Evangelish church. Anyways so we are sitting there watching and listening and I'm just panicking that I had lost my wallet.  But as soon as it was over, the AP came up to me with my wallet!!  I was so excited and thankful.  I guess a Munich policeman found it and called them because I had their numbers in there.  So lucky!  On a better note, I got to see President and Sister Miles one last time at the choir thing.  They are sure awesome and I am going to miss them.  The new President comes in on the 27th.  I also got to talk to a lot of other Utah members at this Choir performance which was cool.
I sure do love you all and are thankful for all that you do!  It is crucial to remain with a positive attitude, especially since I'm about at my year mark.  No worries, I never doubt and have never got down, every mission is so different.  Please continue to pray for Augsburg and that we can find people to share this message with!!  Love you all.

Elder Jensen" 

Here are some more pics from previous P-Day!

 Highest point of Deutschland

                                                                                  Found the year round Christmas store

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