Monday, August 3, 2015


July 20, 2015

"Hey Fam,

Sorry for the short email, we were just at Sigmaringen with the Lees.  It was a blast and really beautiful.  I love the Lees and I love Germany, not just the mission but actual Germany!  I don't know if I'm ready to come home yet...
This last week we met with a lot of our investigators, had awesome spiritual lessons - especially with Charles.  It's crazy to see how much he's changed.  He's gone through the repentance and is so excited for his baptism.  He's keeping all the commandments, loves the Gospel, has read soo much of the Book of Mormon and expresses his love and appreciation for it.  Please pray for him, we sadly won't be here for his baptism but that's okay.  It's been an honor to see him change this much!
We have had a great week.  We had zone training last week, it just hasn't hit me yet.  This next week is going to sneak by as well.  We have something planned every day.
Love you and have a great week!

Love, Elder Jensen"

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