Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fleißig und noch stark!

February 2, 2015

"Hey Fam,

Well I'm here in  This week flew by!  Monday night was really snowy, we had no appointments so we walked and found a couple people.
Tuesday we took our 5 hour train ride to München after Distrikts meeting for our tausch with the AP's.  We had to change trains a couple times and it was snowing the whole time.  Bodensee looks beautiful with snow all around it, freezing cold but just peaceful!  We changed trains in Lindau as well, it's a famous place in Bodensee.  We had a few minutes so we walked around and bought some food at a cafe. Once we made it to München we drove with Elder Packer and two of the Sisters to an eating appointment at a members.  The next day we were able to see some success, we doored a little and found someone really cool!  That night we headed back by train to Singen, those 2 days flew by.
On Thursday we had a tausch in Offenburg.  I was in the Schwarzwald.  The train ride there is about 2 hours and you literally go right through the Schwarzwald, it was beautiful seeing it all covered in white and seeing the little villages nestled down below the train tracks. Our tausch was good, I was with Elder Hadfield and we were able to set a baptismal date with someone they have been meeting with. Offenburg is known as a really hard area as well.
Finally I was able to work in Singen on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  We were able to find and meet with a few new people this week that we found on the streets - one being Br. Luu.  He was born in Thailand but raised here in Germany.  He is a deep thinker and really cool. We found him on Monday walking the streets in the snow, then met with him on Friday at the Church, taught a lesson to him and set a baptismal date for the 28th of February.  Pray for him.  Everything we've said and discussed so far he agrees too.
We had a family home evening with our new Nigerian members - Chris, Faith and little baby Promise at their house.  Our GML, Benji (who is the best) was also there.  We acted out some things from the Book of Mormon and they fed us intestine...YES cow intestine.  You chew it for a good 30 minutes, then just have to swallow it.  It's fuzzy on one side, it's weird.  They cook it in a really spicy sauce, so the key is to chew it fast enough while the sauce has numbed your mouth haha!
We are working hard together!  This next week won't be as crazy.  I love you all and please pray that we can find some people ready for baptism and that the people we are teaching will continue to progress.  Love you all!

Elder Jensen"

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