Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Another Transfer...Another Mission

October 27, 2014

"Hallo Family,

I think that it's a rule that I have to get a bit of a cold whenever I'm going to get transferred.  I have only gotten sick 2 times on my mission...and it was when I was going to be transferred both times, haha.  But transfers came and I am headed to AUSTRIA!  I've heard it's pretty different compared to Deutschland (even the language) but I'm excited!  I could stay here in Augsburg my whole mission but duty comes and calls and I follow.
My new companion will be Elder Durrant - from St. George, Utah.  Small world huh?!  I think it'll be good working with him.  It's a 7 hour train ride through the alps so it's going to be beautiful!
This last week was rather strange, I was pretty sure it was going to be my last week in Augsburg, so we were busy with members and tausches and what not.  I tausched with Elder Harvey (from St. George also) in Kaufbeuren.  We had a good time.
The 'highlight' of this week was definitely on Sunday regarding Markus!  We had Stake Priesthood session and they had asked Markus before hand, to give his testimony in front of everyone.  I had no idea but he got up there and bore one of the best testimonies I've heard!!
He shared how he always had the idea that there was a God, explained how he found Christ, talked about the Book of Mormon and Bible and Joseph Smith.  He shared how happy he is that he has the gospel in his life and it has changed him.  He thanked us missionaries and the Bishoff...ahh it was so cool!  I gave a talk on Sunday and accidentally went a little over, haha oops!  It was practically my farewell in Augsburg, what were they expecting :)  Lots of people came up and said their goodbyes and thanks!  It's cool to see how little things we do have a bigger impact on people than we think!
Back up to Saturday, Sonja's taufe (baptism) was this weekend too!  It was awesome!  Right after baptizing her (in a font all the way full this time, haha) she jumped up and said YEAAA with a huge smile on her face!  It was really cool to see how happy she was, she also shared her testimony with everyone afterwards too.
Well...I still have a bunch to do, like finish packing...I hate packing!  We are meeting with M&A tonight to say our goodbyes, which is going to be tough.  Not much time in receiving these transfers and then leaving, so I didn't get to say goodbye to a lot of people.  My time in Augsburg has been a time I will never forget.  I've seen huge changes - in the members, strangers and myself.  I've been able to see about all aspects of the work take place here, between bringing back less aktives, serving the ward and bringing 'sheep unto the fold.'  It's been a treat to see!  The time here was great and I'm hoping to make it as great in my new city as well.

Love Elder Jensen"

 Sonja's Baptism!

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