Saturday, November 15, 2014

Week 2 in the New City

November 10, 2014

"Hallo Familie,

So week two in Wiener Neustadt went by a lot faster then the first week.  We had an eating appointment every day but Saturday, we made sure to share a really good spiritual thought at all of them and left behind a commitment too.  That is something huge that I think many missionaries seem to forget!
A little funny story, last Monday night we were at a members and I said the prayer and she asked me afterwards if my last area was Augsburg, and I said yeahhh...she said she could tell by my accent on how I pronounced words, haha.  I guess I really did become one of them!
The highlight of the week was that we met with someone during the week, that's a step!  He is from Iraq, he speaks really good German, comes to church often I hear but has never been met with.  He is really busy with his work, but when I called him he said he's willing to find time to meet.  He is really nice and a cool guy - I know that when he truly feels the spirit and "recognizes" the spirit, he'll make progress.
So we have a lot of members from Spain in our ward - I've had a lot of Spanish food.  It's pretty good, way different than German and Austria food, and NOTHING like Mexican food.  Our GML (ward mission leader) also is from Spain.  He is awesome and speaks his mind! He speaks English with us, easier for him than German.  We meet with him every week and they've cooked us Spanish food.  His wife is from Austria but grew up in Australia and served her mission in England, so they speak English together; but then he speaks Spanish with their kids...then the kids speak German in school and at church, so they know 3 languages!  Pretty legit.
The other highlight I would say is we taught the investigator class at church on Sunday.  There was this guy there who is a 'dry mormon' (meaning his wife and son are members but he is not, but he comes to church every week and takes part - so you would think he was if you didn't know otherwise).  Anyways, it just so happens the topic was Die Taufe and it went really well.  I think it got to him, because he made a comment and then after class he walked up to the Elders and asked when they could meet that week (sadly the other Elders are already technically 'working' with him but they haven't met with him yet).
There was this other member that shared a story how he contacted the missionary who baptized him...he said how the missionary was discouraged because he was his only baptism on his mission, but this guy thought it through and realized that over 600 people were brought the Gospel through this missionary.  So cool!  
Please keep me updated family, I love you all and pray for you all!  Don't forget the daily blessings and the hand of the Lord in our day to day lives.  It's easy to go unseen, but DO NOT LET IT!

Love Elder Jensen"

Enjoying some Spanish food

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Welcome to Austria!

November 3, 2014

"Well Fam,

I'm still alive after literally traveling ALL day by train last Tuesday to my present area, Wiener Neustadt, Austria!  Yes the culture is different, yes the language is different and yes it's a different experience.  You wouldn't probably be able to notice it, but being in Germany was my home for over a year, I just became a part of it!  I love Germany and miss it, not going to lie, but Austria is also great.
Last Monday night was awfully sad.  Saying goodbye to my new life long best friends - M&A.  It was a great night, we ate dinner, told stories, laughed, but then it came to the drive home.  It hit me for the first time that from now on I will rarely be able to see them.  None the less we will always have contact and keep in touch.  It was a hard, emotional goodbye..I love them.
Then I came here to Wiener Neustadt.  I talked to this one new Elder at the bahnhoff and he was going all the way to Wien.  I tried to make him feel comfortable.  After we arrived in Wien we drove to Wiener Neustadt, got there around 9ish.  The next day we ended up on the streets for 4 hours..with no direction..just choosing random places to walk too.  Tried talking to everyone, the dialect is different here.  
The next day we were out on the streets again.  This area has so much potential!  The members here are really nice and are just waiting to get involved and help.  We just need to get the work going!  We had a service project we helped at and we went to a birthday party too.
Sunday was awesome, I love the ward.  First Sunday there, they ask me to translate for sacrament meeting (there is a few 'only English speakers' in the ward so I translated everyones testimonies for them).  I also bore my testimony and introduced myself.  We need to become one with the members, use them a lot more and work together, gain their trust and find out what the Lord wants us to do, then strive to do our best to do it.  Most importantly as missionaries, we need to be 100 percent obedient.  That's key.  
I love you all and hope you have a great week.  Remember to always be positive, see the light amidst the darkness, and shine it for others. My favorite scripture that I share so often with people is Ether 12:4 - stay anchored in the gospel and YOUR faith, then nothing can break you down.

Love Elder Jensen" 

Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Another Transfer...Another Mission

October 27, 2014

"Hallo Family,

I think that it's a rule that I have to get a bit of a cold whenever I'm going to get transferred.  I have only gotten sick 2 times on my mission...and it was when I was going to be transferred both times, haha.  But transfers came and I am headed to AUSTRIA!  I've heard it's pretty different compared to Deutschland (even the language) but I'm excited!  I could stay here in Augsburg my whole mission but duty comes and calls and I follow.
My new companion will be Elder Durrant - from St. George, Utah.  Small world huh?!  I think it'll be good working with him.  It's a 7 hour train ride through the alps so it's going to be beautiful!
This last week was rather strange, I was pretty sure it was going to be my last week in Augsburg, so we were busy with members and tausches and what not.  I tausched with Elder Harvey (from St. George also) in Kaufbeuren.  We had a good time.
The 'highlight' of this week was definitely on Sunday regarding Markus!  We had Stake Priesthood session and they had asked Markus before hand, to give his testimony in front of everyone.  I had no idea but he got up there and bore one of the best testimonies I've heard!!
He shared how he always had the idea that there was a God, explained how he found Christ, talked about the Book of Mormon and Bible and Joseph Smith.  He shared how happy he is that he has the gospel in his life and it has changed him.  He thanked us missionaries and the Bishoff...ahh it was so cool!  I gave a talk on Sunday and accidentally went a little over, haha oops!  It was practically my farewell in Augsburg, what were they expecting :)  Lots of people came up and said their goodbyes and thanks!  It's cool to see how little things we do have a bigger impact on people than we think!
Back up to Saturday, Sonja's taufe (baptism) was this weekend too!  It was awesome!  Right after baptizing her (in a font all the way full this time, haha) she jumped up and said YEAAA with a huge smile on her face!  It was really cool to see how happy she was, she also shared her testimony with everyone afterwards too.
Well...I still have a bunch to do, like finish packing...I hate packing!  We are meeting with M&A tonight to say our goodbyes, which is going to be tough.  Not much time in receiving these transfers and then leaving, so I didn't get to say goodbye to a lot of people.  My time in Augsburg has been a time I will never forget.  I've seen huge changes - in the members, strangers and myself.  I've been able to see about all aspects of the work take place here, between bringing back less aktives, serving the ward and bringing 'sheep unto the fold.'  It's been a treat to see!  The time here was great and I'm hoping to make it as great in my new city as well.

Love Elder Jensen"

 Sonja's Baptism!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Lord is Preparing People...

October 20, 2014

"Hallo Family.

Another week behind us.  Life is still great being on a mission!  I will focus on the positive things that have happened this week..
The Alps in the fall were so beautiful - leaves changing colors, fog and waterfalls!  It was a lot of fun and I sure love this part of the world, beauty everywhere to be found.
Skipping to Friday, Friday was a busy day!  We had Ward Mission Leader meeting in the morning and got to enjoy a typical bavarish breakfast, weißwurst und suße senf!  I like it a lot but it's a required taste I guess.  That night we had a HUGE eating appointment at this really good all you can eat Mongolian & Asian buffet.  It was Schw. Günter who we helped move this last month and her daughter plus another Schwester.  I tried kangaroo meat, not bad.
Saturday was also a busy day.  We helped a member pick up a piano in Munich, which took a couple hours.  Afterwards we did some studies and planning, then went to eat with another member - Br. Lidner.  He took us out to this really good pizza restaurant, HUGE pizza! That night we played some ball at the church with the group of boys we have played with before.  We showed them a video after we played and shared a spiritual thought and talked about prayer and living our faith.
On Sunday we watched the last session of General Konferenz in German.  This random member from Hungary showed up to Church and brought a friend who lives in our area, and the friend wants a Hungarian Book of Mormon and is going to come to church next week!  We met with our investigator Donkara ("D") and set a baptismal date with her for the 29 of November!  She is really cool.  Later that night we went to the Kerns familie for dinner and Familie Home Evening.  We gave a spiritual thought and they loved it.  We wanted to make it fun for the kids so we thought hard..we picked out some famous stories from the Book of Mormon and wrote them down on pieces of paper, then in teams we drew out a paper and had to act it out.  We ended with how great the Book of Mormon is and how we learn from it, we gave them all a German Book of Mormon and told them to write their testimonies in it and give it to a friend or bring back to us and we will give it out.  It was fun and Sonja was there also!  Her taufe (baptism) is this next Saturday!  She wrote me a nice letter and told me what led up to me finding her on the street - House of Prayers.  It was really cool!
Love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Jensen"

The BEAUTY of the Alps during the Fall!


Monday, November 3, 2014

Off to the Alps!

October 13, 2014

"Hey Fam,

Sorry got to be quick, we are headed to the Alps again with a member to go hiking!
So this last Monday, we had a family home evening with M&A.  We went out to eat together and talked about families.
Tuesday (Wednesday) we had Distrikt meeting and then tausched with the Zone Leaders.  I went to München with Elder Spencer.  It was fun and he is a cool kid.  I got to go running with the office Elders the next morning while I was there too.  It was beautiful and I haven't ran in forever!!!
On Thursday we had Zone Konferenz, it was really good.  We have a goal of 68 baptisms before the end of the year, so please pray for it!
Friday we met with an investigator who has been searching for the truth.  We taught her the restoration.
Then comes Sunday, the highlight of the week!!  I took the sacrament from Markus, he passed it!!!  He was in his suit, white shirt and tie and it was so cool.  I also bore my testimony.
I love you all and have a great week!

Elder Jensen"

Seek And Ye Shall Find

October 6, 2014

"Hallo Family!

Yes transfers are coming up, but in 3 weeks.  This transfer is a 7 week transfer.
This week went by as fast as the last, they just don't slow down.  Even when you pray they will ;)  I just love Augsburg and the members, but you already know that.
We had a few member appointments this last week and talked about General Konfernz.  We were able to watch it all, Elder Griffey and I woke up early and went to the Church to watch the Sunday afternoon session this morning.
Last Monday was fun.  We had a good time at the Oktoberfest.  Got to spend some good quality time with M&A!
I tausched this last week with Elder Deleeuw in Kaufbeuren, he is a cool guy.  We drove through the fields of Germany stopping by to see people.  I had a good time with him.
We met with M&A later in the week and had a lesson with them while they took us out to get their favorite döner in the neighboring village. It was a really small beautiful village with trees all around and brightly colored houses and old structure.  We got our döner and ate it at the castle looking over the village.  Awesome!
Going back a couple months...a couple transfers ago on a tausch here in Augsburg after visiting the House of Prayers, I found this 23 year old girl named Sonja ("S").  She was awesome and I remember saying 'oh she will be baptized.'  Well she showed up to Church a couple weeks later and I was so excited, she asked where Sister Smith was (it was Sister Smith's last Sunday).  Turns out that Sister Smith found her 2 months before I did, didn't have much contact with her but invited her to come to church.  Anyways, kind of confusing, but the Sisters began teaching her and we kind of have all been involved with it.  They had a taufe date with her on Oktober 11 but she moved it back to late November for some reason.  Which is far we talked about it and I told the Sisters to talk to each other and pray about it and find an earlier date.  Back to now, so they called me last Sunday to say they set up an appointment with "S" on Wednesday at this Italian restaurant in Augsburg and asked us (Elders) to come.  They said they prayed and thought that Oktober 26 should be her baptism.  We talked more about how to confront it and discuss it with "S."  Wednesday came around, we were all there talking and enjoying our food...the night was getting late and I thought 'okay the topic hasn't been brought up' ha.  So I started making huge lead ins and long story short, the Sisters said we think you should get baptized on the 26th of Oktober.  Sonja was totally excited and agreed absolutely!  The next day she met with the Sisters again and they told her to start thinking about her Taufe and how she wants it.  She told them she has already prayed about who she wants to baptize her and she wants ME to do it.  I feel honored and it makes me so happy!  Pretty cool.
I love you all and hope you all enjoyed General Konferenz as much as I did.  I can't wait to share with you all my spiritual notes and notebook I've been keeping after the Mission.  I can't explain how much I have learned on my mission and how much I have grown.  I have never felt so in line with the Spirit and Christ and our Father in Heaven more in my life!  This is the Lord's work, and when the faith is there, your attitude is right and the actions are there to prove it..his hand WILL be stretched out and you will see the Mighty fisherman himself catch his own Fish.  Doesn't matter where you are or who you are with, see it in the people, as Pres. Monson has said.  Seek to see the potential in them, because I promise you that the Lord can see it.
Again love you all and I have never had this type of "happiness" or been more content with what I am doing in my whole life.  I wish I could remain this way forever.

Love, Elder Jensen"