Sunday, September 21, 2014

Preparing for Baptism!

September 15, 2014

"Hallo Fam,

This last week was a good week.
Tuesday we had zone training in München which about took the whole day, it was really good though!
Wednesday we had a goodbye party for Sister Regnier.  M&A cooked and taught us how to make pfannkuchen.  It is going to be hard to say goodbye to them when I leave this area.
Jumping to Saturday, we met with M&A again.  We made pizza together for dinner.  That morning we made a list for them of all the things they should know before the Taufe (baptism), because they want to make sure they flip over every rock before they do this.
Then that Sunday we met with Bishoff, he has been out of town so we updated him on M&A.  We discussed and made arrangements for everything we will need for the baptism next week.  Since the beginning we have really strived to have a member at every lesson with M&A, and we've had a member at just about everything really...because it's so important to have member involvement and for them to be comfortable with the ward and all the members.  They all get along great and have become good friends!  
This week we also picked out our taufe clothes at the church with the help of the members, and M&A have their interview tomorrow with the Zone leaders.  This next week will fly by us!  Continue praying for them and pray that we can find more people to teach.  
Love you all and have a great week!

Elder Jensen"

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