Saturday, February 8, 2014

Give it ALL you Got!

February 3, 2014

"Hey Fam,
This week was really good, I'm in Stuttgart right now and am kind of short on time because we went to the zoo today.  It was a lot of fun to my surprise and we saw a lot of animals.
So this last week, we continued to meet with our new investigator "G" (22 yr. old).  I love this man, he is usually kind of quiet in our lessons but he takes it all in!  He opened up a little more with me this week and after church on Sunday we had an amazing joint teach with Bro. Wengert.  Bro. Wengert really connected with him and it was really cool.  Afterwards we dropped him off at home and he told us how he could see himself becoming a member and wants too!  REALLY cool!  We said we can help with that, haha, and we're going to try and set a baptismal date this week - so please keep him in your prayers.
We met with another investigator and his sister, which kind of turned into all these questions and sharing back and forth between our two scriptures (our German bible and book of mormon and her arabic bible and arabic/english book of mormon).  Got a little crazy!  At the end I had this strong urge and just followed the spirit and said it as simply as I could to answer her questions - how we have a father in heaven who's our God, his son is Jesus Christ and the three seperate beings and we are created in their image.  I said how we could search and share scriptures all night and share our thoughts but when it comes down to it we must find out ourself, and pray and search the scriptures. (It made more sense than that and it was definitely through the spirit, it brought a certain calmness to the room).
We had some ups and downs this week, but we were able to have a great companion inventory.  We shared and talked about a lot of things and the phrase we are living by as of now is "GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT - LEAVE IT ALL ON THE COURT" (in this case leave it all in the FIELD)!
I'm sorry I left out so much but we are in a hurry to get back.  More to come next week, love you all and hope you have a great week.
Elder Jensen"

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