Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Quick Week!

December 30, 2013

"Hey Fam,
Weird I just talked to you a couple days ago, haha!  After skyping you on Christmas day, we went home and had our goose.  Oh gosh we were so excited and it tasted horrible, it was really good meat but way too "citrusy."  Our potatoes tasted so good, but were kind of crunchy.  No problem though we saved them and cooked them a little bit more so it worked out!  As far as our goose goes, it's in our fridge, still in a container - we don't know what to do with it.  
On the 26th, which is Christmas over here too, we went over to the Wengert's.  It was a lot of fun, they cooked us a huge lunch (lunch is the main meal).  We had duck, rotcrot, fresh veggies, and carbinated water - norm for Germany.  Then they gave us presents and I got a pretty cool yellow zip jacket.  We played cards for a good 3 hours and this other intense game called Lagreto, CRAZY intense.  They are really nice and it was all fun!
On Friday we had weekly planning and a lesson with this girl "JL" and Bruder Wengert came with us as a third person.  It was a good first lesson.  Afterwards we went and dropped by Sister "E" to see how she was doing.  I've been able to relate more with her because she has been having some knee problems and contemplating getting knee surgery.  Out of nowhere I pulled out my Book of Mormon and felt the need to share with her from 2 Nephi...I didn't even know what I was going to say but I was JUST SPEAKING, it was really cool and she really enjoyed it.  Afterwards Elder Peterson said how that was the perfect scripture for her and I said I didn't even know what happened and I was just going with it.  He said that's what missionary work truly is - following the spirit.
Then came Sunday, we were suppose to pick up "JL" and another person for church, but we couldn't reach either.  We had a lot of family visitors at church so it was cool and it doubled the size of our actual branch probably and almost filled the whole room.  
Today for P-day we decided this morning that we are going to go down to the Schwarzwald and take a ride up the hill in Bad Wildbad!  Love you all!

Liebe Große
Elder Jensen"

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