Thursday, September 26, 2013

Placed in our Path

September 23, 2013

"Halo Familie,

Another week has sped past us...since when did time decide to move so fast!  This week was really eventful so I'll just try to begin at the start and work my way through the week ending with the best!  
So I participated in my first "Austausch" (missionary splits) this week with our district leader Elder Morrill.  It started Tuesday after our district meeting, I went back with him to Ludwigsburg and it ended on Wednesday!  It was the BEST!  We began by having an appointment with one of the local investigators, he is an elderly man who is starting to forget things, but the gospel is finally starting to make sense to him.  He lives in a typical old German house, I think it use to be a barn.  We had to climb up a steep set of stairs, then climb up a ladder and enter through a door in his floor.  We taught him the Plan of Salvation through the Proclamation to the Family, it went really really well. The spirit was strong!  Elder Morrill asked me to explain and share a part in the lesson, it forced me to speak the language and it was a little broken but they said they understood my message.  Later that night we headed over to Elder "S."  He lives in the coolest historical German town, cobble stoned streets, fountains and lots of German shops and houses, it was really neat!  When we got to Elder "S", he cooked a wonderful dinner of pasta with all these spices and stuff with wurst in it.  It was really good!  After dinner he told us all about himself and his family and growing up.  What some amazing stories, we talked for awhile about some of his stories growing up and his beliefs and everything.  After our visit it was pretty late and we had to walk home.  The bus didn't come for another hour, so we began walking and just talking and sharing stories.  We came across the BIGGEST jungle gym and slide, I kid you not the slide was at least 50 feet tall.  We looked at each other and said we had to go down it!  So we climbed these nets to the very top, then this guy who lived across the street shined his flashlight at us and told us to get we took off down the giant slide, ha ha.  After we got back home we made homemade milkshakes, then Elder Morrill played his acoustic guitar and sang.  He was really good!  I really enjoyed Elder Morrill and had a great experience.  (P.S. this austausch was called the "Austausch of the BIG SLIDE and MILKSHAKES," because every great austausch has a name). When we got back to Pforzheim we headed over to a members house to give her a blessing.  They fed us this homemade soup and bitter pear juice.  She noticed that I didn't have a jacket and it was raining, she felt bad for me and said I needed a jacket.  So she went and grabbed this huge green girl jacket and a flattering scarf and said I must wear it. 
On Sunday we were on our way to church and were waiting for an investigator at the bus stop.  They never arrived on time so we missed the bus.  We were frustrated on missing the bus, but we must put our Untersucher or investigator first.  We crossed the street to look at some maps when this lady came up and ask my companion if he was headed to vote...he said "no we are going to church."  She then told us how she had been searching for a church and asked if she could come with us!  So she gave us a ride to church and we weren't even late.  The Lord provided a way.  She attended class with the ladies from the branch while we went to priesthood, then we met together after that.  We asked her how she was enjoying it, and she said it was pretty overwhelming, which I can see.  She knew nothing about the church.  Afterwards she told us she was still searching to find what she was looking for and thanks for the invite, but now she knew that this is not what she was looking for... It was a knife to the heart.  She just wasn't ready, but she now knows of us and maybe she will look us up later on down the road.  It's just so important we don't get too discouraged though because discouragement can hinder your faith and hard work.  After Church we had "Gemeinde Essen" or Branch lunch, where everyone in the branch brings food and we eat together.  It was really good.
Back track to Saturday, I was just expecting a bad day.  I thought I was finally getting a hang of the language and then something happened which made me realize I am still lost.  I felt hopeless, it was obvious my attitude was not going to be the best for that day.  I went into our room and said a little prayer and was telling Heavenly Father how I felt and asked for his help.  Then we went off "finding", the same as any other day.  Running into people telling us they have no time, hearing excuses of why they can't listen to us, or asking us not to return.  We still love those people though.  Then as we were working in this neighborhood we had never been before, we came around this corner and notice across the street little kids running with a mom pushing a double stroller.  They were all packing groceries and it was obvious the mom was having a hard time, so we go and offer to help.  Turns out this was the family we had written down to go visit - this family had not been contacted for at least two years.  The oldest girl said "it's the ELDERS!" She tried to read our nametags, I was smiling so big!  It has been the longest time since I've actually seen little kids and played with them!  All the kids were running around us.  We helped pack in the groceries and I played with the kids!  They were following me around everywhere and climbing up on me and jumping.  It was obvious I was having fun I guess because one of the little girls asked me in German, "you love kids don't you?"  Well I told her yes I do and how I am an uncle to 1 niece and 4 nephews back at home!  Running into that family was just what I needed to lift my hopes and spirit, it was a little answer to my prayer.  Our timing was perfect, I don't think it was just a coincidence, I think the Lord placed them in our path.  We are invited back to help them move in Oktober.  I love this little family!
Well that is the just of my week, very eventful and each week comes and goes so fast.  This is all for this week from Elder Jensen.  Church is true, spirit is real.  God answers prayers and the gospel blesses everyone personally.

Gabe's companion Elder Peterson
Castle view on the way to District meetings
 Elder Morrill
Gabe on top of the "giant slide"

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