Thursday, September 26, 2013

Placed in our Path

September 23, 2013

"Halo Familie,

Another week has sped past us...since when did time decide to move so fast!  This week was really eventful so I'll just try to begin at the start and work my way through the week ending with the best!  
So I participated in my first "Austausch" (missionary splits) this week with our district leader Elder Morrill.  It started Tuesday after our district meeting, I went back with him to Ludwigsburg and it ended on Wednesday!  It was the BEST!  We began by having an appointment with one of the local investigators, he is an elderly man who is starting to forget things, but the gospel is finally starting to make sense to him.  He lives in a typical old German house, I think it use to be a barn.  We had to climb up a steep set of stairs, then climb up a ladder and enter through a door in his floor.  We taught him the Plan of Salvation through the Proclamation to the Family, it went really really well. The spirit was strong!  Elder Morrill asked me to explain and share a part in the lesson, it forced me to speak the language and it was a little broken but they said they understood my message.  Later that night we headed over to Elder "S."  He lives in the coolest historical German town, cobble stoned streets, fountains and lots of German shops and houses, it was really neat!  When we got to Elder "S", he cooked a wonderful dinner of pasta with all these spices and stuff with wurst in it.  It was really good!  After dinner he told us all about himself and his family and growing up.  What some amazing stories, we talked for awhile about some of his stories growing up and his beliefs and everything.  After our visit it was pretty late and we had to walk home.  The bus didn't come for another hour, so we began walking and just talking and sharing stories.  We came across the BIGGEST jungle gym and slide, I kid you not the slide was at least 50 feet tall.  We looked at each other and said we had to go down it!  So we climbed these nets to the very top, then this guy who lived across the street shined his flashlight at us and told us to get we took off down the giant slide, ha ha.  After we got back home we made homemade milkshakes, then Elder Morrill played his acoustic guitar and sang.  He was really good!  I really enjoyed Elder Morrill and had a great experience.  (P.S. this austausch was called the "Austausch of the BIG SLIDE and MILKSHAKES," because every great austausch has a name). When we got back to Pforzheim we headed over to a members house to give her a blessing.  They fed us this homemade soup and bitter pear juice.  She noticed that I didn't have a jacket and it was raining, she felt bad for me and said I needed a jacket.  So she went and grabbed this huge green girl jacket and a flattering scarf and said I must wear it. 
On Sunday we were on our way to church and were waiting for an investigator at the bus stop.  They never arrived on time so we missed the bus.  We were frustrated on missing the bus, but we must put our Untersucher or investigator first.  We crossed the street to look at some maps when this lady came up and ask my companion if he was headed to vote...he said "no we are going to church."  She then told us how she had been searching for a church and asked if she could come with us!  So she gave us a ride to church and we weren't even late.  The Lord provided a way.  She attended class with the ladies from the branch while we went to priesthood, then we met together after that.  We asked her how she was enjoying it, and she said it was pretty overwhelming, which I can see.  She knew nothing about the church.  Afterwards she told us she was still searching to find what she was looking for and thanks for the invite, but now she knew that this is not what she was looking for... It was a knife to the heart.  She just wasn't ready, but she now knows of us and maybe she will look us up later on down the road.  It's just so important we don't get too discouraged though because discouragement can hinder your faith and hard work.  After Church we had "Gemeinde Essen" or Branch lunch, where everyone in the branch brings food and we eat together.  It was really good.
Back track to Saturday, I was just expecting a bad day.  I thought I was finally getting a hang of the language and then something happened which made me realize I am still lost.  I felt hopeless, it was obvious my attitude was not going to be the best for that day.  I went into our room and said a little prayer and was telling Heavenly Father how I felt and asked for his help.  Then we went off "finding", the same as any other day.  Running into people telling us they have no time, hearing excuses of why they can't listen to us, or asking us not to return.  We still love those people though.  Then as we were working in this neighborhood we had never been before, we came around this corner and notice across the street little kids running with a mom pushing a double stroller.  They were all packing groceries and it was obvious the mom was having a hard time, so we go and offer to help.  Turns out this was the family we had written down to go visit - this family had not been contacted for at least two years.  The oldest girl said "it's the ELDERS!" She tried to read our nametags, I was smiling so big!  It has been the longest time since I've actually seen little kids and played with them!  All the kids were running around us.  We helped pack in the groceries and I played with the kids!  They were following me around everywhere and climbing up on me and jumping.  It was obvious I was having fun I guess because one of the little girls asked me in German, "you love kids don't you?"  Well I told her yes I do and how I am an uncle to 1 niece and 4 nephews back at home!  Running into that family was just what I needed to lift my hopes and spirit, it was a little answer to my prayer.  Our timing was perfect, I don't think it was just a coincidence, I think the Lord placed them in our path.  We are invited back to help them move in Oktober.  I love this little family!
Well that is the just of my week, very eventful and each week comes and goes so fast.  This is all for this week from Elder Jensen.  Church is true, spirit is real.  God answers prayers and the gospel blesses everyone personally.

Gabe's companion Elder Peterson
Castle view on the way to District meetings
 Elder Morrill
Gabe on top of the "giant slide"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Born in the hood"

September 16, 2013

"Hallo Familie!

So I was born in the hood, who would have thought?  The first area you are assigned on your mission is known as where you are born. Pforzheim is known as the hood in our mission.  It's mainly known as the hood here because it's full of immigrants from Turkey, Russia, Iraq, Italy ect.  The people here still have hardened hearts and our branch isn't big but we still love them all.

I'll start out by sharing about our FHE last Monday with "M" and his elderly mother, both or who are members.  Our investigator "P" came with us, which was really good.  We had wurstsalad for dinner.  It's a salad with sliced meat, pickles and such.  Then she brought us fresh garden tomatoes with bread.  The bread here is very popular.  It is the bread mom would love with all those different seeds in it.  Well I'm not a big fan of bread - as you know.  But I was hungry, so I quickly finished the wurstsalad and my tomatoes.  And then they brought me more.  It's really mean to turn food down here in Germany and it's also REALLY mean to leave food on your plate.  So I took a small second serving of wurstsalad, I was getting full, the bread alone was filling me up.  I'm sure you can see where this is going.  Well, I finished the second serving, but did not know how to say "No, No, I am full" in German.  So they said, "Elder Jensen have some more," I tried explaining no, no, I am good thanks...but the mom said HAVE SOME MORE and gave me another whole loaf of bread.  I'm eating it slowly, because I can't waste it and again I don't know how to say "I'm full."  So the next thing I notice, she is bringing me fresh cheese to put on my bread.  Then she brings me out radishes, finally "M" started to laugh and could tell that I had enough and told his mother that I was good.  "Ich bin Satt" is how you say "I am full" in German.  I won't forget that phrase!  For the rest of the FHE we sung German hymns, read the Liahona, and then played Skip-o the card game.  We do this every week, haha.  It will be good.  At the end of the evening we sang one last hymn and then after the hymn, "M's" mom pulled out her harmonica and started playing it.  Elder Peterson was trying so hard to not laugh! haha.  The next day we taught a lesson to an individual who was from the middle east and WOW, what a sad, sad story.  It is unbelievable the persecution these saints and all the Christians suffered in his country.  His dad and mom had to move out of the country to avoid persecution.  At the end of our lesson I shared the story of Ammon/Alma watch the believers get burned to death, but how the Lord welcomes them all with open arms in the kingdom of God. I got yelled at this week for having my lucky "Tiki" keychain I bought in Hawaii.  I forgot I had it attached on to my backpack, some lady saw it and freaked out at me saying it was my idol and stuff.  I kept apologizing and saying it was just a little thing I bought in Hawaii, but she came and took it off my backpack!  So yeah, I got accused for idolism.  Our English class is going good with the Russians, we think one of them might be interested in the church.  One of them speaks really good English, so we don't really have much to teach him.  This last week was PfahlKonferenze - Stake Conference in Stuttgart.  It was great, I got to see everyone in our zone and stake.  It was nice seeing Elder Oviatt and the Elders serving with him.  Elder Peterson saw his last son (the new missionary he trained right before me) who is actually training Elder Oviatt.  We talked at the train station where we met and then  on our way to conference.  We told stories and all that stuff, so that was good and nice for all of us to be together.  At stake conference we met someone who just arrived in Stuttgart from Provo that day for his work. 

Now for the miracle of this week, last Friday our Branch President asked if we could help him move some heavy metal roof panels.  He has a long driveway up a hill to his house and the panels were at the bottom of the driveway.  Each panel weighs about 40 kilos or 85-90 pounds and is 20-25 feet long.  It required two people to lift them, and when we carried them up the hill, one of us had to walk backwards all the way up or we had to side step all the way up the hill.  An ultimate test for my weak knee right?  Well it's obvious that the Lord is watching over me and has blessed me, because I was the one who was walking backwards up this steep hill.  It took us about 2 hours and my knee handled like a champ - I didn't even notice it.  Although my arms were very sore and tired, haha.
"P" is doing good, he is trying so hard to quit smoking.  He reads the Book of Mormon everyday and we meet with him every other day.  We try and contact him everyday.  I want him to be able to give up his addiction so bad!  He is doing the churches 15 step program and every other thing he can think of. The German language is continuing to take a lot of patience.  I'm trying so hard to understand it and am currently working on the grammar.  I am able to make out what most things say when I write them down, but when I try to speak it then it is more difficult.  I know it will come, I just need to be patient and okay with sitting in the passenger seat until I'm more comfortable.  My gospel input for this week is found in Mormon, chapter 9.  It talks about how God continues to work miracles today and it is so true.  It all comes down to our faith and us knowing that the way is prepared, with faith comes miracles.

Love, Elder Jensen"

More Pictures of Pforzheim

Thursday, September 12, 2013

First Week in Pforzheim, Germany!

September 9, 2013

Gabe sent us quite a long email this week, answering our questions and telling us all about his first week out in the "mission field," the language has been tough, but he still seems to maintain a great attitude and enthusiasm for his mission!

"Well Hello Familie.  Its your Elder writing again.  Another week, the first week in the field, the first week away from the MTC.  I miss the MTC, weird huh?  I miss my friends and roommates in the MTC, I miss our teacher, I miss being able to communicate with whoever I want, I miss the chef...I couldn't have asked for a better MTC experience.
My arrival in Germany: The field - well I arrived in Munich on Wednesday, stayed the night with everyone in the mission home that night, woke up and had meetings then they sent us all off from the Munich train station.  I loved President and Sister Miles and Munich is such a beautiful city! Saying goodbye to everyone was hard.  Especially since I probably won't see the European Elders for 2 years, they are stuck in the black hole a.k.a. Switzerland.  
My Trainer: It's different being with one person 24-7, I can't think of enough conversations to last us all day, haha.  I like my trainer, he is really nice.  Our apartment is nice, really small kitchen, nice living room/main room with our desk, then our bedroom. We live on the 3rd story, the people on the same floor smoke, everyone smokes.  Including one of our investigators.
Mr. "P": We have one true investigator at the moment "P".  He is an older nice guy, but sadly he has an addiction.  He was contacted by missionaries in 2001, and people have been teaching him off and on since then.  We are "white washing" this area from 2 sisters, we have met with him once.  He reads the Book of Mormon, he believes in everything and has a testimony, goes to church, prays...he has just had a life long addiction of smoking and it's just sad.  He wants to be baptized and is willing too, and is constantly trying to quit.  He ("P") has a baptismal date for Oktober, we hope he can keep it and we pray he can over come this terrible addiction.  Tonight we are going to pick up "P" and head over to a members for FHE and have a joint teach, and then tomorrow we have a district meeting and will try and find more lessons to teach.
My introduction to Germany: I gave my first talk on Sunday, auf deutsch.  It was, well I don't really know what it was, haha.  To tell you the truth I don't know all what I said.  I try so hard to be out going and want to talk to all the church members and everyone I see because that's just how I am, but I can't. We need to become way good friends with these members to gain there trust.  I promise as soon as I can speak and understand German I am going to speak to everyone!  I try to study German the best I can and pray for help.  A mission is full of ups and downs.  We all will experience great life changing times that we will love and enjoy, but we will also go through times where we feel down and pray for help and guidance.  And even though they might seem like terrible hard times, we got to look and find the good that comes from it.  Cause I know first hand that some of the greatest blessings and life learned lessons come when you're at all fours, when you are most humble.  Wherever we go or are walking I wear a smile on my face.  I smile at everyone and try and say hello to all those I can.  The message we share is nothing but happiness and if only the people who reject us knew how great and valuable this message is we have to share.  If only they knew that this great message we share is what keeps us going when we are down.  That within this great message, I personally am able to find comfort day after day.  
Sweetness at the end of the day: You know a neat thing, every night before I go to bed in my prayer I ask Heavenly Father to allow me to feel his enduring love he has for us before I fall asleep..and I tell you what and I'm not lying, right before I fall asleep every night I feel the ultimate burning in my chest and through out my body.  It's the most comforting thing.  God hears our prayers and knows the intents of our hearts and actions.  He is with us every day and wants nothing more than to comfort us and pick us up when we are down.  He knows what we can endure and he's there to pick us up when we feel like we can't endure any more.  I love this work and know that this is where I am supposed to be and wouldn't want to be anywhere else.  I love my mission and embrace all the challenges that it may come with.  BRING IT ON.

Send Letters: I LOVEEE letters and emails.  Letters are great, but I love emails too!

Love you ALL and please pray for "P" and the people of Pforzheim, they need their hearts softened. We are off to buy groceries and stuff now.  Tshüss
Elder Jensen"

Gabe's MTC District with Bruder Jentzsch (teacher) and Steve-O (chef)
Gabe, Elder Oviatt and Elder Dewey
Gabe with Elder Gubler (from Santa Clara too)
Yummy breakfast!
Apartment kitchen

Friday, September 6, 2013

Greetings from Germany

September 4, 2013

We were so happy to hear from the Mission President and his wife that Gabe made it safe and sound to Germany!  Can't wait to hear from Gabe and see how his first week went, he sure looks great!!!

Dear family of Elder Jensen-

We are delighted to tell you that Elder Jensen arrived safely in Munich this morning.  He is tucked away in bed now after a long day of orientation.

We thought you might enjoy these pictures from this evening.  His new companion is Elder Peterson, and they will be serving in Pforzheim, Germany.

We are thrilled that he is here and are very impressed with his preparation and enthusiasm.  He will be a great missionary.  Thank you for all you have done to help him become the fine young man he is today.  We love him already, and we will do all we can to help him grow as a missionary and have a successful mission.  Your son's preparation day is on Mondays and that is when he will be emailing you home each week.  If you would like his apartment address where he will be serving - please email him before next Monday and ask him to give it to you in his first email next Monday.  If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.  May the Lord bless you and your family at this wonderful time of missionary service.


President and Sister Miles

Alpine German-speaking Mission

All the new missionaries being picked up!
New missionaries at the mission home
Gabe, President & Sister Miles
Gabe's companion "trainer" and mission assignment

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Farewell MTC

August 30, 2013

This is a letter we received from the MTC President and his wife.  They attached a couple pictures of Gabe's MTC Zone that were taken when they arrived at the MTC, the middle, and before they all left the MTC!

Dear Brother and Sister Jensen,

         Your son will be departing from the England Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, September 4.  We want you to know how much we have enjoyed having him with us.

         Elder Jensen is a fine young man and we are grateful for the opportunity we have had to work with him on a daily basis.  He is well-prepared for his mission and he continues each day to grow spiritually.  His ability to speak German is improving.   He is developing good teaching skills and is excited about the work.  He is ready for full time service in the Alpine German-Speaking Mission.

         We love this young man and are grateful to you for all you have done to prepare him for this wonderful time in his life.  Your love and continued support are important to his success.  Letters from home are always greatly anticipated and appreciated.  Please address all future mail to:

Alpine German-Speaking Mission
Lommelstraße 7
81479 München

          May you and your family be blessed as he continues to serve our Heavenly Father.


President and Sister Edwards
(President and Sister Durkin)

Hinckley Zone - July 25, 2013
Hinckley Zone - August 8, 2013
Hinckley Zone - August 22, 2013

Let It Begin!!!

September 3, 2013

Gabe has finished his 6 weeks in the MTC!!!  He is officially entering the "mission field" and he is ready to work!  Here is his last email from the MTC:

"Guten Morgen Familie, it's actually afternoon here but I imagine you will be reading this in the morning.  So not a lot of time today but I will be able to write more next week.  I leave for Munich at 4 in the morning tomorrow.  We wake up at 3:45 a.m., and then drive to the airport and our plane takes off around 6:45 a.m.  Crazy and exciting!!  Being immersed in English here in the MTC has made it difficult to really tell if my German is coming along, but I know the way is prepared and I'll do just fine learning the language in the field.  I've been praying for a great trainer so we will see.  I've loved my companion here, he has taught me so much and I'm going to miss this little brown Belgian.  Last night when we were all in bed he said in his french/spanish accent, "Elder Jensen" the Jensen is pronounced like a 'jya,' and I said "Yes Elder Moreno," he said "I Love You." He just finished being read by Elder Requillart what I wrote in his journal.  He has taught me so much about being positive through everything and how the littlest of things make the biggest difference.  This last Sunday I had horrible allergies, to the point I got several bloody noses.  He followed me in the bathroom without complaining cause we were going to be late for the fireside and taught me tricks to getting rid of a bloody nose that his dad had taught him.  His dad is a boxer.  He has remained positive and happy and he is a big prankster.  I couldn't be luckier.  Also we said goodbye to Bruder Jentzsch on Saturday and that was tough for all of us, I will miss him.  It was one of my toughest goodbyes.  I love you all and just know that I am loving this mission and I am learning so much!  I KNOW that the way is prepared, and I KNOW that we walk that way by faith not sight.  Gosh, I love our Savior so much and it is incomprehensible of how much love he has for us.  Just please continue to read and have a thirst for knowledge for the scriptures.  Feast upon the words and I PROMISE you that you will find life easier and will be much happier.  I love you all, I might be able to call at the airport, no promises though.  Ich liebe euch.

Love, Elder Jensen"

Last Week in the MTC!

August 28, 2013

"Guten Tag!

Familie!  Another P-day, the last P-day here in the MTC.  I'll tell you some fun facts about the MTC...still great friends with Steve-o, the chef.  He made me and my district huge chocolate cupcakes that you only get if it's your birthday!  It has chocolate through out it as well, I wouldn't have liked it but it was so moist and amazing.  He made homemade rice pudding yesterday and ahh he's making me fat but it's so-o-o-o good!  He is a really nice guy too, sometimes he just comes and sits next to us while we are eating and we just talk, or he comes into our class during "free time" and we talk.   
We went to the temple, and we did it in German.  I understood quite a bit but at the same time I didn't understand quite a bit.  I get the vocab, it's just german has so many rules and little words that can change the meaning of the whole sentence or the structure of the whole sentence.  I continue to have patience and pray for help, I'm ready to learn it like a "baby" learns the language out in the field, listening and repeating.  So, I really miss music in here, weird thing to miss, but in the kitchen if the one chef is cooking he blasts Michael Buble in the back.  Sometimes I just take a little longer to feel up my drink and listen for a minute.  I have become really good friends with Elder Dewey and Elder Oviatt, we have story time every night.  The other night I told them the story of my life going through "American" high school (haha).  A little more info about Bruder Jentzsh (a teacher at the MTC), he served his mission in Greece and told us some stories and shared some pictures from his mission.  It was a beautiful mission.  He is 22, he plays basketball, and he is only here for the 6 weeks that we are here.  I can't think right now, they have red numbers that count down the minutes in the top right of the computer so I am constantly looking up at that.  Entschuldigung!
The spirit continues to be so strong here in the MTC, I increase my knowledge and understanding everyday.  I wrote a letter explaining more about that and I'll send it out today.  I'm sorry there is not enough time to get all my thoughts across, this week was just a busy week in the MTC of learning the language and studying the gospel.  I continue to love it though and I hope you guys are getting my letters.  Well I'm going to go get my haircut now, bis spater until next week from Germany!"

Bruder Jentzsch
Gabe & Steve-O (the chef)
The walk to the temple
Gabe's District at the Temple
Gabe, Elder Oviatt and Elder Dewey walking back from the temple
Gabe's closet
Enjoying "meal time"
MTC Entrance