Tuesday, August 13, 2013

They Switched P-Day...What?!

August 6, 2013

So come to find out, Gabe's second week in the MTC they had to switch the P-day from Wednesday to Tuesday due to Elders leaving and new Elders entering...we all planned on writing our emails Tuesday so he will have them Wednesday, but it didn't work out too well this week sadly :(

"Earth to Jensen Family!?
No hearing from you this week but that's okay.  This last week has flown by.  Deutsch is still really hard but I am still loving the MTC.  We are having our P-day on Tuesday this week because all of the English speaking Elders leave tomorrow so it's been hectic, then we get a shipment of new English speaking Elders too.  I am going to miss some of them, I've become friends with them but we exchanged emails. No worries it is not distracting me.  The work here is too busy!  We are still participating in the British Pageant which is really cool!  We get clapped and cheered for every night cause we are the finale, we walk out on stage singing Called to Serve.  I'm really excited for the 5 General Authorities tomorrow night, they are going to the British Pageant and are giving us a little fireside before.  Rumor is that three of them are Elder Holland, Elder Nielson and Elder Ballard.  Just a rumor though...we know Elder Holland for sure though!  Anyways, we get to go to the temple today which is good.  We just had an extreme ping pong contest which was intense.  I told you about the Church History Tour of England last time right?  Well it was really pretty.  I love England and love the staff here, especially our young teacher, he is literally one of us, a friend.  He sings with us in the showers and everything haha.  I love the chef, Chef Stefen!  I'm excited to hear from you guys next week and will be looking forward to it.  Oh by the way can you please send me some church pictures to hang up in our room.  I'll try to attach some photos but if it doesn't work I'll probably just send you my flash card.  I love you all and hope you guys are doing good.  Please continue to pray that I will have patience and comfort, cause they have been answered.  And tell my friends that I haven't died and that they can still talk to me haha.  Any update on my other friends? Or on sports? Updates on anything?  All I hear is a little England news here and there.  I need to hear from America.
Love you all Tchuss"

 MTC Grounds
Outside Preston
Shopping downtown
 Intense ping-pong at MTC
Preston Temple
Gabe's District:
Elder Acune Moreno, Gabe, Elder Dewey, Elder Oviatt, Elder Durrant, and Elder ?
MTC Grounds

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