Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Quick Note

September 29, 2014

"Hey Fam,
We are on our way to catch a train to München to go to Oktober Fest with M&A and some other missionaries.  This week sure went by fast, as always :( but the week ended strong.  We asked a less active that we've been meeting with for a referral and he brought him on Sunday, which was really cool.  We also found another investigator from Africa who is searching for the truth.
Markus got the Priesthood last Sunday!  It's crazy how much M&A's lives have changed.  It's amazing how present the Holy Ghost has been and I like to think back to the first time I met them and how it all began!
I love my ward and have become a part of it literally.  We can all joke and tease and the kids are so loving and write me notes.  We got to teach the youth last Sunday which was a blast.  I love them all!
Anyways, sorry so quick..love you guys.  Schöne Woche

Elder Jensen"

 Posing with Markus
Playing with some kids from the ward