Tuesday, July 30, 2013

He Made It Safe and Sound!

July 25, 2013

We received this brief email from Gabe letting us know he made it and had arrived at the MTC!

"Halo Family!
So I don't have a lot of time but to help comfort you guys I made it safely here to the Preston MTC.  My Prep Days are on Wednesdays so you will get to hear from me more then.  I don't have a lot of time for today is pretty much a welcome day.  We picked up two other Elders in Salt Lake from Utah.  Elder Packer and Elder Martinez.  Our plane was a little late getting off so we barely made the Atlanta departure. There we met two Elders from Canada.  I just forgot their names but I sat next to the one on the plane ride here and really enjoyed them both.  The MTC here is small so you really get to know everyone pretty much.  Its very pretty here and feels great.  The flight here was fine and my leg was fine.  We sat next to some people from England from the flight to Manchester and they were pretty funny.  We told them how we were missionaries for the church and they said his town already has enough of them from our church but how he is usually very nice to them and invites them in for tea.  He told me to make sure to say goodbye to the sun haha which is true its very overcast here and humid.  He said how the people in Munich are more catholic so to enjoy my two year church vacation, as in he doesn't think I'll have much success.  I've yet to find out my comp or district yet but I'll make sure to tell you next week.  You guys better be happy back home cause I am doing great here and loving it.  Very pretty, still getting used to all the british accents everytime they talk to me I have to stop myself from trying my british accent back at them.  They are so strong so its hard to understand them sometimes.  But all the Elders Ive met thus far are studs.  Most of them are staying here in England.  We are the first german mission to come to the MTC which I didn't know, but thats cool.  Oh and they are having the England Preston Pagent here so us missionaries go participate in that every day from 9:30 pm to 10.  It's  on the temple grounds so I won't be going to the temple for the first two weeks.  Anyways talk to you next week.
Love, Elder Jensen"

MTC in Preston, England

Watch this video tour of the Preston, England MTC:

He Is On His Way!

July 24, 2013

Today was the BIG day!  We dropped Gabe off at the St. George Airport and watched him fly away on his journey over to the England MTC! Despite all our emotions, Gabe was very anxious and excited to go!!  He met up with another Elder from St. George going to the same mission, they flew from St. George to Salt Lake to Atlanta, GA and then over to England.  He has prepared so much for this and is very anxious to get started!

 Getting all checked in

  Last family shot for awhile
Dad & Mom
first time meeting Tavish Durrant 

"See-Ya in Two!!"

Off he goes!