Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tender Mercies & Miracles

March 16, 2015

"Hey Fam,

What a week, this last week was good!  Monday we spent with Markus & Alexa on Bodensee, we went to this little island that is gorgeous in the summer.  A lot of plants and trees were still in winter mode but it was still pretty.  Sure love those guys.
Tuesday was great, we had Zone training here in Singen.  It went good, we had it in German and it was fun!  I did the last part talking about 'Living up to your Potential' in English so EVERYONE could understand - especially the younger missionaries.  This mission is hard but we can always give more!  That night we traveled to Zürich for a meeting with our Stake President, it was a really good meeting and I love Zürich!  I gave one of our Sister missionaries a blessing because she was dealing with some news from home.  I was humbled and of course honored.
The next day, Wednesday, we did a little tausch in Schwenningen.  I worked with Elder Hancey.  We just went finding in innenstadt for a hour and half, but we say so many miracles.  We talked with everyone!!  We taught a lesson together on the street and got another two peoples numbers and information.
We found a new investigator this week, Edward.  He's really cool.  I'll let you know more about him as we meet with him again.
The ward and missionaries were so nice to me on my birthday.  I got birthday cards and gifts from various members.  Birthday texts from various missionaries in the Zone, and then a few members had us over on Sunday for birthday meals.
Br. Luu also finally got confirmed on Sunday, just 2 weeks later (after his baptism)!!!
Sunday was another tender mercy.  We were going to a little village for a member appointment and went early to go by some people we pulled out of the area book.  The first person we were stopping by was an older woman named Doris, she met with the missionaries many years ago.  Well we got there and her name was on the Klingle and everything, we klingled it, no answer.  But a man got there around the same time of us and we asked him if he knew Doris.  He said yes with a grin on his face and then unlocked the door and invited us in.  We walked inside and there were papers everywhere, mail and newspapers laying on the floor..the house was a mess.  We follow him into a main room where a single bed lay on the ground.  He sits on the bed then looks up to us and says, "Doris ist meine Frau" (Doris is my wife) then a short pause with some sniffing, "aber jetzt bin ich win witwo" (but now I am a widow).  Turns out that Doris just passed away and by the looks of it, not that long ago.  This man was still heart broken and devastated.  We followed him around the house and said how we want to help, he was grateful.  He recognized us and said how he remembered two young men visiting his wife many years ago, and the Book.  He went into the other room and pulled out the Book of Mormon.  We talked more and he showed us some letters from friends and family while crying off and on.  Elder Meilsøe then shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon about Christ and he teared up.  We told him to continue on and I promised him he would see his wife again and he just cried.  Elder Meilsøe said a prayer and he just kept crying through the prayer.  We made an appointment and said how we will return and talk more about how he can see his wife again.  He thanked us and thanked us again as we were walking out for giving him courage.  It was such a tender mercy that we won't forget...was what we were not expecting.
That's the glory of being a missionary, you literally never know what the next hour, next minute, next phone call awaits.  It could change your life, you could change someone elses.  It's all time highs, it's all time lows, it's stress to the test, it's comfort from above.  It's a mission and it's great!
I love you all and thanks for the birthday wishes!

Love, Elder Jensen"

Bondensee with Markus & Alexis


Br. Luu got confirmed on Sunday

Family Input

March 9, 2015

"Hey Fam,

So sorry, I don't have a lot of time.  Markus and Alexis are here and want to take us to the Bodensee so we're going with them!
This week was hectic, one place to the next literally.  We had MLC in München for two days, which was really good!  Elder Dewey and Elder Packer are in my group - they are the AP's so it's fun, ha.  Then coming home to Singen and traveling to Stake Konferenz in the Swiss.  Sunday we were there all day.  This week we even helped people move in our suits, because they picked us up from the Bahnhoff. It was a really busy week, but we didn't get to do a lot of missionary work here in Singen sadly because we were running around everywhere.  
Br. Luu rode with us on the bus on Sunday to Stake Konferenz (the branch rents a bus to go to conference in Switzerland).  President and Sister Kohler were both there and gave a little talk - Sister Kohler gave hers in German, very impressive!
On top of all that, the last two days we have been planning Zone training for this Tuesday. 
Other than that, I wanted to let you know and you can tell me what you think...the big news is I need to decide on my release date.
Somehow half the missionaries in our group were given an extra transfer and that's why you haven't received something in the mail saying I would be home on such and such date.  I need to be able to tell President what I want to do when he asks me, I've been praying a lot about it.  I would love to stay, you all know that!  But then it leaves me not much time home before school starts..
Anyways, I wish I had more time to write because I had a lot of cool studies this week, and things I found in the scriptures that I would love to share.
Love you all,

Love Elder Jensen"