Sunday, November 17, 2013

First Zone Konferenz

November 11, 2013

"Halo familie crazy week I guess.  We had an übernacht with Elder Oviatt and his companion Elder Garret.  They are in our zone and live far away from Stuttgart so they stayed with us during the interviews and konferenz, it was fun.
Konferenz was great, it was on Tuesday and interviews for our distrikt were on Monday.  President Miles interviews all of us individually, and while he is interviewing all the others have distrikt meeting with Sister Miles.  She is so sweet and kind.  I love them both.  In my interview with President we just talked about how happy I was to be on a mission and how he could see my "happiness" through my eyes. He asked if I've had any home sickness and I told him how I've surprisingly not had any and he was saying how a mission is a happy thing and a privilege and to appreciate the short two years rather than looking at it as a sacrifice.  So true!  Missions are great.  
We met with "A.P." another one of our investigators, we showed him the Restoration dvd and he loved it and loved how it made him feel, he asked if he could keep a copy of it.  Then on Sunday, we also taught this lady who I talked to on the street.  I asked her "was ist den sind des lebens?" or what is the purpose of life.  She said her kids, so we got talking.  She said "it sounds too good" almost as in too good to be true.  She asked why do I believe myself?  We are asked this frequently.  But the answer I gave her simply was my family...I've seen all the blessings that my family has and how happy we are, and how we can live together forever.  She's never heard that - never even thought about living with our loved ones after this short mortal life.  We have another lesson with her next week!  Also this week we had this guy call us that we tried contacting on the street.  He told us then "kein zeit" or no time.  We gave him a pass along card and he ended up calling us cause he felt like he should.  He is really nice and wants to get more involved with religion.  
Sister "E" is still progressing, truly the Lords work with her.  We taught her the Word of Wisdom this week and she accepted all of it and committed to keep it.  We asked if there's anything we can do for her and she said "yeah convert him" pointing to her husband on the couch.  She didn't make it to church on Sunday.
As far as weight goes I've surprisingly gained zero pounds...I think.  We walk way too much and I think it helps that we don't have any eating appointments really, haha.  There is only three car areas in our Mission.  The language is coming, I can understand a lot of what I read now or understand what it is kind of saying at least.  Now I just need to really try and imply what I know.  Love you all.

Liebe, Elder Jensen"

Gabe with President & Sister Miles
Zone Conference

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Keeping your head up on Strike-Outs

November 4, 2013

"I was never a big fan of baseball but I think that title fits this week the best.  I'm not going to lie, it was a challenging week.  My companion told me not to count because it would get me down, but just about every appointment fell out this week, including our appointment with "T.S." on Halloween and Taco Bell.  Every termin we had lined up with "E" this week fell through too, not because she's not prepared or solid because she still is - it has just been a really tough week for her.  We had a joint teach lined up with Bruder Maier but our investigator wasn't home.  It's easy to get discouraged but it's important you don't.  We still have love for all of them and pray for them every night. Halloween was hard here as well, we had a really great lesson with a sister "J" in the Schwarzwald that morning but then all of our other termins for that day cancelled.  So we just went and tried stopping by peoples one was really home.  That night I tell Elder Peterson, look it's been a hard week and it's "halloween," we deserve to treat ourselves out for dinner.  He agreed!  So we went to this nicer, sit down restaurant that served pizza and pasta.  It was nice and needed, it helped lift our spirits.  When we got home we had a couple trick or treaters, no costumes, just wanted some candy.  Haha, well we didn't really have candy, I gave them the few Hi-chews we had left and then Elder P. gives them this hard as a rock nougat candy we were given, haha.  It was so funny the kid held out his hand and was like what am I supposed to do with this and tried giving it back, ha.  No worries they weren't real young kids, they were older so it wasn't sad just really funny.  So they don't say "trick or treat" here but "sweet or sour."  
Friday we had three termins lined up, but all 3 fell through.  Friday was a tough day.  Then Saturday we had one termin cancel but we ate at this place called Little Texas.  It's a famous burger place here in Pforzheim that you have to make reservations a week before.  We went with the one Russian we teach English too but he speaks great English.  He's not interested in the Gospel at all right now but he really likes us and we are leaving a really good impression on him.  He notices us.  We just showed up to Little Texas and there was a table for three open, some people never showed up.  So that was a miracle!  Much needed, he is a true bro.  I forgot to mention, on Friday, at the end of the day after all three of our termins fell through he showed up to our doorstep with a baggie of Russian and German chocolates for me and Elder Peterson, a late Halloween treat.  That really cheered us up too.  As hard as it can be sometimes, it's so important you don't get discouraged, we still love them all and our faith is still strong.
The coolest thing about this week though, was the call we got Monday night.  Monday night this guy called us.  He is from Kuwait, he is a Catholic, speaks English, and is really quite wealthy.  He comes and visits Pforzheim and whenever he does he calls us missionaries.  He loves meeting with us and invited us to breakfast every morning this week! (besides Thursday and Friday).  He stays at this really classy hotel in Pforzheim and they have this breakfast buffet that is SOOO GOOD!  So we did that in the mornings and met with him, "J," which was really cool.  We are definitely going to stay in contact.  He showed up to church as well and I got to teach him in the investigator class. He loves our church though and could see himself becoming a member.  He loves how we live and apply what we teach, he says he feels good when he meets with us.  I really like him, he leaves this week but we exchanged emails.
This week I've had a lot of time to think, since most of our termins fell through.  I've realized all the awesome people I've met and memories I've made so far!  The people I've met on my mission I will never forget!  I love them all and have been blessed to meet all the people I have met so far!  Hope you guys are all doing great, crazy to think we are already in November.  We are heading to Stuttgart today for interviews! 
Tschüss Euch fehlt mir!"

Happy Missionary! :)
On top of the hills in the Schwarzwald
bunch of Apfelbaums (apple trees) "Best apfel I've ever had!"
Random parade in Pforzheim
Gabe's gourmet hamburger he made for dinner
Beautiful scenery in the area

Sunday, November 3, 2013

7 Dezember 2013

October 28, 2013

"Guten Morgen Familie!
So what a crazy week!  We helped the Dierks family move on Saturday.  I truly love that family so much! haha We went with Bruder Wengart, got there at nine in the morning and worked until seven at night, no lunch break.  They live on the 3rd or 4th story of there building in Pforzheim and really narrow stairs.  It wasn't the easiest thing ever, but we did it.  They were moving  to this small town in Schwarzwald, so we helped them drop everything off and set up all the beds.  The kids remembered me!  It's hard to see progress with the language but I could actually communicate with them and make them laugh this time.  I hope we can meet with them again.  We met this guy "J" there who was really cool, he helped move.  I was walking and helping carry something down with him and he was pretty much baring testimony to me how the one thing he doesn't like about Germany is that they don't really believe in God and how everyone MUST believe in God.  He gave us his info afterwards and said he wants to meet with us so we'll go by him later this week.
Our appointment fell through with "M" (the lady we found last week under the street-light), her daughter was sick I guess so she couldn't meet.  We were sad about that.  On Sunday we met a guy "T.S." who came to church.  He's a member and was baptized in 2000 and he is AMERICAN.  He was in America the last 6 weeks, in Utah at General Konferenz.  He and some other mormons are starting this new business called O.U.R. Operation, Underground, Railroad.  They help bring kids out of poor countries.  He married a non member here in Germany, and missionaries have met with her before but nothing has happened.  She's never had a religion in her life so she believes she doesn't need it cause she's done fine thus far.  That's what it sounds like.  Well "T.S." gave us a ride home from church on Sunday  and said whatever we need, whenever just call him and he'll be our man!  When we got home he called us and asked when we wanted to come over.  So this Thursday, which is Halloween, which Germany doesn't celebrate, we will be going over and eating TACO BELL, American food!  I'm really excited, and giving a little message to his wife which I am just as excited for!
So we were walking back after trying to stop by a PU, it was late and a long walk.  Then out of nowhere this kid ran out of the house and started talking to us.  Kids never talk to us, haha.  Then there was this lady, "E", just waiting and smiling at us, so we said Halo we speak about Jesus.  She was interested, so we went to see her the next day and she wasn't there but her husband was, he spoke a little English. Well "E" finally came in around nine and we sat and talked to her for a bit.  She told us about her last two weeks and then running into us...we returned the next day at eight and started teaching her.  She finished the chapter we began reading the day before, and three other chapters!  It was all making sense to her.  We then read from Mosiah 18, bore testimony and then I asked, "Werden Sie sich Taufen lassen?"  She looked up and said yes!  Long story short, we bore testimonies and then set a baptismal date for Dezember 7th!!!  This was on Oktober 24, exactly my three month mark, really cool!  The Lord has truly been preparing her!  We were just the tools.  She didn't come to church on Sunday though, she walks to church and it got really windy so she never showed up.  We will call her tonight!  But she has a Taufe Date and she's really prepared and ready.  She keeps telling us that it just makes sense to her now and how she feels good!  If all works out she will enter the waters, so cool!
Other fun facts this week, I made this ultimate burger with cheese in the middle (like we used to Dad).  It was so good!  We met "T.S.", set a baptismal date, and then a lot of other appointments fell through so that was kind of sad but it will pick up.  I have so much more I want to say but little time, sorry.  Just know I love it here and that I'm starting to love the people more and more everyday.  And that I express my mind a LITTLE more each day.  LITTLE though.  I understand more than I can speak.  When it's written down it's easier to understand.  But yeah it's all good.  I love you all and hope you're all doing well.  I love the hour we have each day for personal study, and as I study for myself, it turns into study for those we will teach.  When I read a scripture I can't help but just think of how much it would help one of our untersuchers or how that's what they need to hear, and in return it strengthens my testimony!  They are always on my mind.  
Love you all
Bis nächste Wolche"

Friday, November 1, 2013

Stopped in our Tracks

October 21, 2013

"Guten Morgen!
Well just a "normal" week on the mission you could say.  But is it ever really just "normal."  I'll begin with our distrikt meeting.  We talked in distrikt meeting about finding through families.  It was a really good discussion and the spirit was strong at times.  When we talk to others about families - it builds a common ground between us and them.  A family is something that everyone is given here on Earth, even if they feel like they have a broken family, or don't get along with them, it's important to remember that in the bigger view...we are all brothers and sisters.  I would do anything for any of my sisters.  As I would for any of my brothers and sisters I come in contact with here in Germany. When it comes down to it, it's everyones main goal - there big goal - to keep their families forever.  Now here is the question, are big goals ever easy to accomplish?  The answer is a simple no.  Think back to some of your previous goals.  I think of my goal of recovering from my ACL in time for Basketball.  It wasn't easy at times, and extremely hard work, and I'll admit sometimes it didn't always make sense. But was it worth it?  You bet yeah!  Now think of our ultimate goal - Eternal Life with our Families.  Is it going to be easy?  To some it may seem easier than others but for most the answer is no.  For one thing most of these people are missing something really big in their lives that they must have to have an Eternal family - the restored gospel and all of the ordinances and blessings that come with it.  Well that is where we come in, we can help show them the tools that they must HAVE to achieve their ultimate goal of having an eternal family.  I say show because we can't give it to them.  Everyone has agency.  That's what is hard for others, others have lived a completely different life-style before hearing about the gospel.  Then once they hear about it, they have to practically begin a whole new life.  A better life.  Of course challenges will still be present, but with the tools found in the gospel anything is possible, and we can overcome any trial or hard thing in this life.
Now that I look back and think, I guess it was a tougher week.  We had 3 appointments fall out, one of which would have been our first joint teach with a member at the church.  So that was a bummer.  I know 3 may not seem like a lot but we average about anywhere from 1 to 5 lessons a week (we got 5 one week!)  This week consisted of a lot of going by people that we contacted on the streets and finding on the way.  We had 4 lessons I believe, which is still really good!
On Friday, Bruder Wängart picked us up and took us to work on this members old shed roof.  It was in a pretty area north, lots of german farm lands, hills and blue sky.  We ended up taking the roof completely off.
Sunday we met with the Ciarvellas, an italian family that we contacted on the street.  The lesson went alright and we are returning next week.  While we were there another one of our PU we found on the street showed up (they are really good friends).  He supposedly read the Book of Mormon before and felt good when he read it, but he just finds it hard to believe.  That's what it sounded like.  He said he has never heard anything bad about our church but he still has his doubts.  He wanted to hear from me, so I answered some of his questions and bore simple testimony.  But it made me be more actively involved in the lesson, it was good.  My German is far from good I still think, but I understand more and more every week and can express my thoughts more and more as well.  Just a fun little note, everyone we are teaching now are people that we have found on our own, so that's cool.  Now for the coolest part of this week...being stopped in our tracks:
It was on Wednesday night I believe.  We were in Nordstadt (north city, North of Pforzheim) and we were just going by people and finding between.  It was nearly 8 o'clock and time for us to head back for dinner.  So we walked up this hill to check on this one last name we found in the area book, but they weren't there.  We start working our way back down and we are stopped in the middle of the street at a stoplight, and on the other side is a woman, probably around 30 years old with a stroller.  But while we were at the stoplight waiting I could tell she was just smiling at us, and I smiled back, didn't think anything of it.  We are walking across the street and she is still standing there at the corner, once we get to the sidewalk by her, we just stall for a second (don't know why, but literally just stalled for 1 second).  Enough time for her to gather the courage and say excuse me to us.  She then asked if we were Mormon missionaries and we started talking.  She told us her dad had met with the missionaries a while back and liked them.  She had a 3 month old baby girl and her marriage isn't the healthiest I don't think...but she knew that our church was big into families.  She asked if we could stop by and bring her a church children's book or anything we have on families.  She wanted to meet!  It was so cool, so that Friday we dropped off anything we could find about families and a children's book and she was so happy.  She was just smiling!  We didn't end up meeting with her because we were a little late (and we need a third person with us when teaching a woman), so we have a lesson set up for this next friday.  
So coming back to the distrikt meeting this week, we discussed how we are the literal answers to peoples prayers, literally.  We read time after time in the scriptures how the Lord will make us into his own instruments, well he does!  We are helping to bring forth the work of the Lord.  He can do his work himself, we are here to just help.  The gospel blesses families, I've seen it growing up and I see it here on my mission.  That is why we must all help in hastening the work.  D&C 12:8 says "NO ONE can assist in this work except he shall be humble and full of love..." I pray every night that I can strengthen my love for the people of Pforzheim.  Despite appointments falling through, smoke blown in faces, being accused of being poisoned, being told they aren't interested in hearing our message, or doors unopened. Whatever it may be it is important to continue to love the people.  Be full of love.  Look at our ultimate example Jesus Christ, he was full of love to everyone. Missions are the best, I love you all and thanks for all the support.